Video support group in collaboration with activists from Indonesia, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Singapore, Mongolia, and Vietnam. 2022. Saigon, Vietnam.
J Triangular and the Women's Video Support Project, 滴水希望 (Hope Drops) (2021) from Visual AIDS on Vimeo.

The Chronology of the heart is an existentialist tale of love in two stages, an amalgamated exploration of the bonds of intimacy. Video letters during a period of intensive isolation and environmental threat. A time travel film constructed entirely from still photos. Distant memories, Intimate recollections. The story is told by a voice-over narrator: the lovers-the travelers. All the still photos on 35mm captured separate moments and the common metaphor, their perceived temporalities, of the lovers separated for the quarantine.

Badeverbot Exhibition in Flux at Schaumbad - Freies Atelierhaus Graz. Austria. Part of the Parallel Program of steirischer herbst ´20.
愛是唯一真正的抵抗行動 (Trailer) from JTriangular on Vimeo.
愛是唯一真正的抵抗行動 - Love is the Only True Act of Resistance
愛是唯一真正的抵抗行動 - Love is the Only True Act of Resistance from JTriangular on Vimeo.
讀我的唇 from JTriangular on Vimeo.
SOLEDAD ACUÁTICA - Aquatic Loneliness from JTriangular on Vimeo.
LA SED - Thirst from JTriangular on Vimeo.
NIGREDO from JTriangular on Vimeo.